Avoiding copyright infringement
Usually copyright infringement is not an issue on this journal.  That is because (1) The poster is creating a reference to the actual copyrighted source; (2)  the content of the journal reference is brief enough to constitute "fair use"; (3) the content creator or owner is fully credited; and (4) most publishers enjoy the benefit they receive from the public linking.

If you have any question about the copy rights of your post, you should contact the content owner and request permission in writing, then include a brief "permission granted" notation, citing the author or the publisher.  You are most likely to run into problems with graphics and images, which must always cite the owner or source of the image.  The best policy here is request permission in writing to include the graphic or image.  Some image publishers will be happy to sell you a license to use their image.  You own the image?  Great, no problem.  Add a notation that the image is being "reproduced under license from" the actual source.

If you are a copyright owner and you believe your property is being infringed upon, a written notice or request should be sent to legal@internetzorro.com.  You should receive a notice of action or a response within 7 days from receipt of the request.  No copyright infringement is intended on this web site, and appropriate action will be taken to cure any valid claim of infringement.

If you like the concept here, you are welcome help this Journal to grow with fresh content and to fight censorship.  Contact me for more information.  And God bless!

Leslie "Nick" French,
Founder, Curator
© 2021 Zorro Publishing House. All rights reserved.